Crops and Bleeds Quiz
Test your knowledge with these YES or NO questions!
Instructions: Click on the image to for the correct answer.
Do these images require crops and bleeds?

Does this image require crops and bleeds?
NO no part of this image goes to the edge of the card.

Does this image require crops and bleeds?
YES the letters go to the edge of the card on all 4 sides

Does this image require crops and bleeds?
YES the image goes to the edge of the card on all 4 sides.

Does this image require crops and bleeds?
YES the red border goes to the edge of the card on all 4 sides
Are these crops and bleeds setup correctly?

Are these crops and bleeds set up correctly?
YES there are crop marks to show us where to cut and there is 1/8” extra on each side
where the image goes off the card

Are these crops and bleeds set up correctly?
YES there are crop marks to show us where to cut and there is 1/8” extra on each side
where the image goes off the card.

Are these crops and bleeds set up correctly?
YES there are crop marks to show us where to cut and there is 1/8” extra on each side
where the image goes off the card

Are these crops and bleeds set up correctly?
NO the bleed is missing on the right side.